FONDAZIONE PER LA CULTURA PONTEDERA   

                                                                                                                        SEZIONE SOCI COOP VALDERA

Literary competition“GIOCHI E GIOCATTOLI”

On May 7, 2018, at 5.30 pm, juries were held at the University of the Third Age of Pontedera to proclaim the winners.

Present: Ferrini Laura, Degl’Innocenti Elena, (assistant Gabriele Collesano), members of the jury of Section A; Rocchi Pierangelo, Vallini Lucia, Frasca Matteo, members of the jury of Sections B and C; Lazzari Gianfranco, Mariotti Licia, (Assistant Belli Laura), members of the jury of sections D and E.

This is the verdict of the juries

Section A (Students fourth and fifth primary schools):

First prize in “La trottola e il robot” by Edoardo Giannini; Second prize in “Smack, Smack” by Elena Arrighi; Third prize to “Go and you will not regret” by Andrea Molesti

Section B (Second grade students Second grade secondary school):

First prize to “Gilberto, Gina and Carotino, the patrons of the garden” by Macelloni Matteo, Pantani Filippo, El Aoual Loubna, Iembo Francesco and the 2nd class A School “A. from Morrona “Terricciola; Second prize in “Il tesoro della soffitta” by Bianca Meini and Alyssa Bartolini; Third prize in “Leisure time, games – 1980s vs 2000s” by Elisa Frappi, Alberto Fracchi, Alessia Macchi, Ginevra Boschi.

Section C (Fourth grade students Second grade secondary school):

First prize at “Solitaire game” by Roberto Orlandini, Second prize at “La casa sull’albero” by Alessandra De Marino, Sofia Cellai, Virginia Porcinai, Giulia Messeri, Sofia Castagnoli; Third prize in “Beyond the box” by Sofia Curcio, Martina Stella, Bianca Bacci, Alessia Falciani, Caterina Palli, Erica Ferroni, Chiara Pini, Masina Prescious Eglia, Francesca Roffi.

Sections D and E are reserved for adults

Section D (poems):

First prize at “Il Giocattoliolaio” by Luana Innocenti Lami, Second prize at “Giocose Memorie” by Irene Bendinelli, Third Prize at “Summer Games” by Anna Fiaschi.

Section E (prose):

First prize at “Ada” by Rossana Sarno, Second prize at “L’uncino” by Silvana Sarno, Third prize at “L’aereo” by Giordano “Emiliano” Vanacore.

The motivations for the prizes awarded and approved unanimously were formulated.